Fall 2016 Anime First Impressions
We're about 3 or 4 weeks into the fall season, and as per the usual for the industry, the showing is far stronger overall than what we had in the summer. While we don't have an overblown blockbuster in a true sense like spring and summer's Re:Zero, there is definitely a higher general quality in what's airing. That's not to say anything this season is particularly amazing (yet), but there's a notable absence of true dumpster fire series like last season's Taboo Tattoo or Orange. Like the sensible, employed man I am, I made the executive decision to pick up EIGHTEEN series this season. However, my mistake is your gain; I'll give a short synopsis of what I've seen, and whether you should watch it, try it, or just flat out drop it/never start it. Let's get started, shall we? ---