Summer 2018 Anime In Review
As I now pour over this season's list of completed titles, it's hitting me hard to realize just how mediocre Summer 2018 was for anime. Other than one or two notable standouts, which unfortunately also happen to be sequels, the offerings this time around failed to rouse more than a resounding "meh" from me. This isn't to say the majority of shows were terrible, but rather offensively middle-of-the road. This is the worst kind of bad, and it has the unique quality of being the hardest to write about. That being said, this round of reviews is going to be one hell of a slog, so forgive me if it ends up coming out ludicrously late. Ya'll know the deal by now: ratings are done inside-genre, so don't get livid when they're a little higher or lower than what the review would entail. You can only really compare something this broad and subjective to its in-genre contemporaries, especially with something as baseless as a number value. Like I said, most of t...