Eight Gate Kasumeme Hell - Weiss Scwharz Deck Tech
Ah, theme event days. The cornerstone of a regular TCG community; a necessary evil to spice up the endless loop of playing against the same familiar deck lists week in and week out. However, in a purely English Weiss Schwarz environment, deck building restrictions can be a massive pain in the ass. Since the states haven't got even a third of the "power-up" and "volume two" sets that Japan has, brewing up a fun and functional list can be prove harder than you'd think. Yeah, you might be able to piece together that Love Live waifu list, but all you're signing yourself up for is disappointment and frustration.
If you're anything like me, you're sick of dealing with Kotori's lack of a usable brainstorm and functional combos. Bless your (twinkle twinkle) little stars, this deck tech is made explicitly for you. The goal is to brew a functional, fun, and explosive deck that abides by general "waifu/husbando deck" restrictions which are the following:
To accomplish this feat, we're going to be building a modified "Kasumi Bullet" deck, with all the insanity available to English BanG Dream. Oh, and all the card art and text is owned by Bushiroad, yada yada deflection of responsibility.
If you're an impatient little shit that can't read, you can just peep the decklist here.
Level 0:
This is the main place where Kasumi has a bit of rough time. She doesn't have a ...
So this list has changed a bit since the release of Multi Live! and the soon-approaching GBP Vol. 2. Kasumi got some usable tools at 0 that although somewhat restrictive, are at least field-able even outside of a waifu format. That being said, most of our zero is going to remain the same; the only real difference is the removal of cards that required us to needlessly puke onto the field just to win board. Instead of striking out changes, I'm just going to remove them from the write-up.
So yeah, we're gonna run this as our level 0 beater. Our level 1 combo thankfully doesn't require reverse, making "big" cards (when used correctly) like this more valuable. Pretty decent for a shop promo that you can likely acquire for free at your local game store.
The first is that this technically mills a card/removes a card from deck. If it lives over refresh, you just marker-compressed one card, and if it dies, you milled an additional card. That's just kind of a bonus, as the second extra use is a lot more interesting; you aren't required to marker the card you reveal. This enables you to pull the classic "five card" brainstorm strategy, and confirm takes for our topcheck hand-filter below. Remember, that card can hit on "Something in the Warehouse" as well as characters. It's not quite as good as the 'ol Silica scry package, but it's pretty damn close, and will help our zero game actually achieve something instead of just praying we can cheat into our Christmas party at one.
-【AUTO】 [(1) Put the top card of your deck into your clock] When this card is put into your waiting room from the stage, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a character in your waiting room with "Kasumi(香澄)" or "Tae(たえ)" or "Rimi(りみ)" or "Saya(沙綾)" or "Arisa(有咲)" in its card name, and return it to your hand.
"Rikis" on death for any character in our waiting room, which is pretty damn good. It lets us get early non-brainstorm value when our character would otherwise only swing for one turn. Why are we only running it at two? We really want to hoard stock for brainstorms and endgame, but if opt to run stock soul for your second climax combo, you could easily run this card at four. Also, I only had two of them, so, uh, WHATEVER.
No one should be surprised that this our pick for an off-character playset. Kasumi does have her own brainstorm (Self-introduction, Kasumi from the TD), which you can substitute for in this slot if your waifu days don't allow for this, but it can't hold a candle to the best brainstormer in English BanG Dream. Having two of these out is our go-to backrow setup until the endgame, as the +500 power spot-buffs can really help you edge out some lanes in during your level one.
At first glance, this just looks like a shitty dropsearcher, but hear me out: English isn't going to get the busted Kasumi dropsearcher promo, ever, so we're going to make do with this. Double-dropsearch is very underrated anyway, with the only real drawback being that they're unusable if you get smacked up to level 1 after going first. This will help us get into our Christmas combo, maybe drop some Warehouse events that we might not want to play from hand, and hits a very respectable 5000 power. 5K is about the limit for level 1 relevance, so hitting that power level as a 0 makes this even more usable as a level 1 set-up card.
The first of two promo cards that we're forced to run. Climax ditch for a salvage is an effect that could be much worse. Hell, it could be pay one and ditch a climax to salvage (looking at you, Love Live). We mostly keep it around to help us stop bricking when we decide to be a bad player that draws all their climaxes. We used to run a higher count of this card, but thankfully newer, better cards were added. Climax-ditch is still a decent effect though, so we're keeping it in the list as a one-of.
If you're going full waifu and running the TD brainstormer instead of Rimi, consider dropping this card completely for two more of the salvage "riki" (0/0 "Twinkle Star" Kasumi) above. The TD Kasumi brainstormer has a pay-one, ditch-a-climax salvage, and although it isn't free, doesn't require you to have the discard outlet in hand like this promo does. It doesn't make you tap to do the salvage either, so you can still brainstorm in the same turn!
A topcheck on-trait hand-filter in this list would have been enough to be a four-of, but throwing Warehouse into the mix really puts this card over the edge. One of the biggest strengths in English BanG Dream is being able to seamlessly run all the absolutely busted event cards, but the downside is that they make the bevy of topcheck and on-trait effects of the set weaker. Side-stepping that problem and hitting for 42/50 cards in our deck makes this is an easy playset pick. If there weren't so many other busted level zeros in this set, I'd run this at higher counts in any normal BanG Dream list that ran Warehouses.
It should come a surprise to no one that we're going all-in on the Kasumi Christmas combo from the first BanG Dream set. It's an absurdly powerful, completely non-interactive, endlessly loop-able plussing combo that has an additional upside of prepping us for our finisher. But first, let's go over the (very few) other cards we'll be running that will round out our midgame:
"Wahh I don't understand why he didn't put this card into the list the first time wahhhhhh," is what I hear all of you saying. Well, for one, I forgot this card existed, and two, even after I remembered it being a thing, I didn't exactly trust the marker requirement. The times I was playing our trusty churro-eater were when I was stuck with an empty waiting room and no Warehouses in sight, but as I played the list a bit more, I realized that the marker effect, when used correctly, allows us to more consistently hold Warehouses over refresh for little to no downside. Our hand is usually so ridiculously large even when we're not in an optimal state, that playing this out just to sit in the back row with a marker isn't anywhere near our worst play.
The first effect is helpful to pay out stock considering our entire main gameplan is free-to-play, and it synergizes well with our heal-finishers if we play them out at 3/0, but it's still forgettable. Since we (correctly) refuse to play "Star Beat!" as a stock-soul, this is our second most reliable way of controlling where our Warehouses end up after refresh.
This is arguably the best card printed in the entire Multi Live! set by a considerable margin. Clears lanes, answers shitter zeros better than other bombs since she can buff herself, and sends Christmas Kasumi to absurd power levels. Topcheck is something that we have tools to manipulate in the list, letting us hit more often than not. We can also use it to check our first trigger before we go to attacks, helping us set up precise damage. The utility of this card, and the general card profile, is just far too strong to not include at a 3+ count.
Not sure how many times Bushiroad is going to reprint this effect, but I sure as hell am not going to complain. The effect itself is already strong: a flat mill for three in a resolution zone that's guaranteed to at worst cantrip. However, getting this kicked back to hand by our level one combo and enabling burn for our finisher makes the card even stronger in this list than normal. Hits on 38/50 cards in our deck on play from a full deck.
Before Crystal Song Yukina started spreading the gospel of "look at up to", the hotness for BanG Dream was Merry Fucking Christmas Kasumi. To be honest, the argument for which is the better combo package at level one is still up for debate, but here in this waifu list, we don't have the luxury of choice. Combos off that sweet, sweet 1K1 gate to bring back a Warehouse from your waiting room to hand on attack. Don't scoff at that +1000 power buff either, as correct sequencing can let you beat over some really big lanes at level one, even without backrow support. Other than sequencing your character drops, the hardest part about using this Kasumi is going to be finding it at a reasonable price in English. Unlike Girls Band Party, there isn't much hope for set one to ever see a reprint, and finding this RR has become particularly nasty. JKTCG might quote it at $30, but expect to pay near one and a half times that price for each card to get a playset.
Our level two has two goals: snipe early plays and bide our time before finishing our opponent. In reality, you're either going to be durdling about, readying yourself for level three, or you're going to be looping your level one Christmas combo.
Ditch two anti-change backups that send to waiting room just aren't good, even if Kasumi plusses to hand like mad. We never got the 2/1 Rimi-clone bomb, so we're still going to run this. Even if we never play it, we can blatantly show our opponent we have it in hand in some fashion (salvaging off Warehouse, brainstorms, etc) which will then cause them to side at us like dumbasses and otherwise bumble about misplaying. The threat of an anti-change counter is typically stronger than the act of playing it, so having this in the list when we already have the space is a no-brainer.
We didn't get the bomb so we're just going to run this as a one-of. I hate these kinds of early-play killers, but at least they're also usable to clear field in the endgame. A boring, but otherwise usable card.
We did it, we're finally here. Your reward for making it to level three and skillfully setting up your waiting room to have the most Warehouses is an explosive and low-stock finisher that the majority of other English waifu decks simply cannot compete with. This finisher is so strong when set correctly, that I'm tempted to build a real list utilizing it. Other than our actual combo pieces, we run two other utility cards that pad out our lineup.
Unfortunately, the change target for this is a Rimi, so we lose the ability to run out a fairly strong early play. Yeah, it's only an 11000 base power, but the true utility of the card is in its second two abilities. Ditch a card for heal to stock is an absurdly powerful ability in and of itself, but in a list like this where we need to ditch our Warehouses (and we sometimes don't want to play them), it's even better. Stand-and-swap is one of the most powerful field disruption abilities in Weiss Schwarz, and effective use of the ability is what separates good players from average ones. Still, this isn't your core gameplan for level three, but the card has so much utility for just an effectively one stock investment that running at least one was a must.
If you didn't already have massive proof towards the amount of "Bandori privilege" in Weiss Schwarz, then this card should be more than enough. A trial deck level three that topcheck burns for one on play and swings for 15000 power. Oh, and backups are banned too! The utility of this card should be obvious to most of you, but to elaborate: as a out to walls and as a way to chip your opponent out in the endgame, this card is invaluable in the list. I run it at two just because I don't have any extras of the following card in the list, but I could easily see this being run at just one as single endgame cards are easily salvaged in this list.
Before I get into the specifics of how amazing this card is, be very aware that this card was errata'd for its most important ability for our strategy. Have the errata page ready to go on your phone for all the people that give you a raised eyebrow when you explain the effect. Honestly, if I got hit with this shit and heard, "Oh this card has an errata," and wasn't in the know, I'd instantly scream for a judge. Alright, with that out of the way, let's talk about this queen.
When you first read this card in a vacuum, it seems pretty lackluster. "Pay four just to Musashi on attack? That's... expensive," you say, and you don't look into it much farther than that. However, this card has ridiculous synergy with our actual finisher, because it combos off the same fucking climax. Yes, "Sound of the Beginning" and this card both climax combo off of either "Star Beat!" and the benefits are so crazy good that I have a hard time believing that Bushiroad playtested this at all.
Enough soapboxing, let's talk about the actual card. First off, on play, this card draws you two cards, forces you to ditch two cards, then blind-stocks you for one. So, for zero net cards in hand and a one stock investment, you get a 10000 power character. That's already good, especially for a waifu deck, and we want to throw away our Warehouses anyway. But hold the fucking phone, it gets even better. When you drop "Star Beat!", you get to drop a Music character to the stage for free from your hand. Key words here are "from your hand," which means on-play effects still trigger. This works with all of our level three cards, and can set up particularly nasty finishing board states from a field that has practically no stock. The icing on the cake? This card gets a +3000 power buff on top. Absolutely. Fucking. Ridiculous.
Now, about the Musashi effect: it's actually not bad. If you have a burn board set up with this and two of the "Beginning" Kasumis, and you need extra damage to kill, then paying out four stock to end the game right then and there isn't that high of a cost to pay. The rest of the deck is mostly "free-to-play", and since this card preserves your stock itself, you likely will have some left over by the time you swing with this card. Note: the Musashi effect here is, like everything else Kasumi has, on attack. It's guaranteed to go off; you don't have to have your opponent cancel.
The only reason I have this at two in the list is because I only have two, and finding more of them is impossible since it's a set one card. If you are lucky enough to have more, find something in this list to cut (your preference, I'd likely cut the overstatted ping-er above to one) so you can run at least three of them. This card really puts our finisher over the edge and makes it ludicrously consistent. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Mother Fucker.
Alright, so here's our real finisher. It's not actually as good as Last Shot, honestly, but the effect is comparable. Heal-on-play is a nice bonus for us, and it works in tandem with our previous Kasumi's climax combo to free-heal us. When we attack and "Star Beat!" is in play, we pay two and ditch a card (we're mono red) to burn our opponent for the number of Warehouses in our waiting room. This seems like a bit of a hard play state to set up at the outset, but let me remind you: we have so many ways to get Warehouses and ditch cards in our deck. If you're a coward who runs "Star Beat!" as a stock-soul, you can even keep Warehouses in stock to ensure you'll have them through refreshes if you need to.
Another boon to the Warehouse requirement is that you can control how much you're burning for. The Kasumi herself is going to swing for a minimum of three soul, but sometimes burning two is a hell of a lot better than burning four for closing out a game. In the same vein, remember that the red card you ditch to pay for the effect can be a Warehouse, and it will count towards the number in your waiting room for the burn. Paying for abilities happens before abilities are resolved; something to be aware of that lets you hand-hold combo pieces if needed.
Oh, and to top the whole thing off, Kasumi pumps herself by 3000 power when you do the effect, because why the fuck not. Yet another 14000 power lane, in a waifu deck, that likely just burned you for four before the battle phase even happened. Bandori privilege is absolutely insane. THIS IS A $3 DOUBLE RARE.
We run eight gates because every gate you run gets you closer and closer to winning BCS Worlds. Eight gates is love, eight gates is life.
You could run "Star Beat!" as a stock-soul if you really wanted to, but that's not a gate, and running not-gates makes you a coward. Don't be a coward.
This deck is an absolute blast to play, even in a restricted waifu deck environment. You get to do all the fun BanG Dream stuff, like cycling your entire deck every turn, looping Warehouse combo with Christmas Kasumi, and playing out explosive, unfair-feeling finishers. With Multi Live! looming in the coming months, this list is a fairly safe investment as it's reasonably cheap if you already have the Christmas combo, and will have more support coming. Notably: a real your-turn anti-change bomb at two, a topcheck power-pump level reverser at one, and a topcheck marker oversize at zero. While none of that is anything amazing, these should help you run cleaner and combat some of the things the deck struggles with, which are midgame walls. Christmas Kasumi can only get so big, even with correct play sequencing, and without a large amount of backrow supports to choose from, we're kind of stuck with what we have.
I know this is very different content from what anyone who reads this is probably used to, but with me playing a lot more Weiss Schwarz recently and WSDecks going down, I felt like I had to throw something like this out there. Part of it was to see how it would go writing something slightly more technical, and another was to share a list that I'd brewed and had a lot of fun with. I probably won't do these very often, as it's hard to really come up with anything unique in English Weiss, but it's possible there may be more of these in the far future pipeline.
I know I haven't posted anime reviews in a while now, and I have to lead with the usual "I've been busy apology". However, last season aside from a very select few shows (that you've likely already seen) was incredibly meh, so I didn't feel very compelled to sit down and churn through a bunch of shows I didn't have strong feelings on one way or the other. I'll be back at the end of this current season.
If you're anything like me, you're sick of dealing with Kotori's lack of a usable brainstorm and functional combos. Bless your (twinkle twinkle) little stars, this deck tech is made explicitly for you. The goal is to brew a functional, fun, and explosive deck that abides by general "waifu/husbando deck" restrictions which are the following:
- The character in question must appear in all* card names or art in the deck.
- Up to one playset (4x) of a single off-character card is allowed.
To accomplish this feat, we're going to be building a modified "Kasumi Bullet" deck, with all the insanity available to English BanG Dream. Oh, and all the card art and text is owned by Bushiroad, yada yada deflection of responsibility.
If you're an impatient little shit that can't read, you can just peep the decklist here.
Level 0: Strugglebus Tech It's actually fine now
4x Knock-Off of Yui From K-On, Kasumi Toyama
![]() |
this art is actually very powerful |
-【CONT】 The character facing this card cannot move to another position on the stage.
- 【CONT】 This card cannot side attack.
Anti-runners are really, really good in English. Without stuff like the Goblin Slayer chaser in the meta (yet) and the amount of new sets that are over-reliant on on-reverse level 1 combos, it makes sense that both flavors of runner are sprinting about wild and free. This Kasumi shuts them down and has a "basically an oversize" statline with a "drawback" that functionally barely exists. It's not as good as Yohane of course, but few sets can be as broken as Sunshine's extra booster. - 【CONT】 This card cannot side attack.
So yeah, we're gonna run this as our level 0 beater. Our level 1 combo thankfully doesn't require reverse, making "big" cards (when used correctly) like this more valuable. Pretty decent for a shop promo that you can likely acquire for free at your local game store.
3x An Oversize That You Misread, Kasumi
-【CONT】During your turn, if there is a marker underneath this card, this card gets +2000 power.
-【AUTO】When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is a 《Music》 character, you may put it face down underneath this card as a marker. (Otherwise, return the revealed card to its original place)
So this is what we cut the old streamroll "oversize" for. Note the bolded card effect text; this is only 4500 power on your turn. Lots of people misread this, and think it acts like the Futaba/Chisato profile. Well, it doesn't, which makes this card kind of shit, but it has some uses outside of its large power that most people wouldn't think of.-【AUTO】When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is a 《Music》 character, you may put it face down underneath this card as a marker. (Otherwise, return the revealed card to its original place)
The first is that this technically mills a card/removes a card from deck. If it lives over refresh, you just marker-compressed one card, and if it dies, you milled an additional card. That's just kind of a bonus, as the second extra use is a lot more interesting; you aren't required to marker the card you reveal. This enables you to pull the classic "five card" brainstorm strategy, and confirm takes for our topcheck hand-filter below. Remember, that card can hit on "Something in the Warehouse" as well as characters. It's not quite as good as the 'ol Silica scry package, but it's pretty damn close, and will help our zero game actually achieve something instead of just praying we can cheat into our Christmas party at one.
2x "Satanic Singing Ritual" Kasumi
i really hate that salvages like this are called "rikis", but whatever |
"Rikis" on death for any character in our waiting room, which is pretty damn good. It lets us get early non-brainstorm value when our character would otherwise only swing for one turn. Why are we only running it at two? We really want to hoard stock for brainstorms and endgame, but if opt to run stock soul for your second climax combo, you could easily run this card at four. Also, I only had two of them, so, uh, WHATEVER.
4x Da Bess Brainstorm n' Allllll o' Ban' Dreem
ill tell you wahut mister, dis son ova will git ya whutever yall need |
-【AUTO】 At the beginning of your climax phase, choose one of your characters, and that character gets +500 power until end of turn.
-【ACT】 Brainstorm [(1) 【REST】 this card] Flip over four cards from the top of your deck, and put them into your waiting room. For each climax revealed among those cards, choose up to one character in your waiting room, and return it to your hand.
No one should be surprised that this our pick for an off-character playset. Kasumi does have her own brainstorm (Self-introduction, Kasumi from the TD), which you can substitute for in this slot if your waifu days don't allow for this, but it can't hold a candle to the best brainstormer in English BanG Dream. Having two of these out is our go-to backrow setup until the endgame, as the +500 power spot-buffs can really help you edge out some lanes in during your level one.
2x Origami Thief, Kasumi
-【AUTO】 [(2) Discard 2 cards from your hand to the Waiting Room] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, search your Library for up to 2 ::Music:: Characters, reveal them, put them in your hand, shuffle your Library, and this gets +3000 Power for the turn.
At first glance, this just looks like a shitty dropsearcher, but hear me out: English isn't going to get the busted Kasumi dropsearcher promo, ever, so we're going to make do with this. Double-dropsearch is very underrated anyway, with the only real drawback being that they're unusable if you get smacked up to level 1 after going first. This will help us get into our Christmas combo, maybe drop some Warehouse events that we might not want to play from hand, and hits a very respectable 5000 power. 5K is about the limit for level 1 relevance, so hitting that power level as a 0 makes this even more usable as a level 1 set-up card.
1x "Save My Brick" Kasumi Tomoya
this shop promo is fucking THREE dollars |
-【AUTO】 [Put a climax from your hand into your waiting room] When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a 《Music》 character in your waiting room, and return it to your hand.
The first of two promo cards that we're forced to run. Climax ditch for a salvage is an effect that could be much worse. Hell, it could be pay one and ditch a climax to salvage (looking at you, Love Live). We mostly keep it around to help us stop bricking when we decide to be a bad player that draws all their climaxes. We used to run a higher count of this card, but thankfully newer, better cards were added. Climax-ditch is still a decent effect though, so we're keeping it in the list as a one-of.
If you're going full waifu and running the TD brainstormer instead of Rimi, consider dropping this card completely for two more of the salvage "riki" (0/0 "Twinkle Star" Kasumi) above. The TD Kasumi brainstormer has a pay-one, ditch-a-climax salvage, and although it isn't free, doesn't require you to have the discard outlet in hand like this promo does. It doesn't make you tap to do the salvage either, so you can still brainstorm in the same turn!
2x Warehouse Topkek Kasumi
this shop promo is ALSO three dollars REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE |
-【AUTO】 When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is a 《Music》 character or card named "Something in the Warehouse", put it into your hand, choose a card in your hand, and put it into your waiting room. (If it is not, return the revealed card to its original place)
A topcheck on-trait hand-filter in this list would have been enough to be a four-of, but throwing Warehouse into the mix really puts this card over the edge. One of the biggest strengths in English BanG Dream is being able to seamlessly run all the absolutely busted event cards, but the downside is that they make the bevy of topcheck and on-trait effects of the set weaker. Side-stepping that problem and hitting for 42/50 cards in our deck makes this is an easy playset pick. If there weren't so many other busted level zeros in this set, I'd run this at higher counts in any normal BanG Dream list that ran Warehouses.
Level One: Merry Fucking Christmas
2x "Fang Tooth Tribal Deck When" ♪ Kasumi
-【CONT】 If there is a marker underneath this card, this card gets +3500 power and the following ability. "【AUTO】 [(1) Put the top card of your deck into your clock] When this card's battle opponent becomes 【REVERSE】 , if this card is in the middle position of your center stage, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a character in your waiting room, and return it to your hand.
-【AUTO】 When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, you may choose a card named "Something in the Warehouse" in your waiting room, and put it face down underneath this card as a marker.
-【AUTO】 When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, you may choose a card named "Something in the Warehouse" in your waiting room, and put it face down underneath this card as a marker.
"Wahh I don't understand why he didn't put this card into the list the first time wahhhhhh," is what I hear all of you saying. Well, for one, I forgot this card existed, and two, even after I remembered it being a thing, I didn't exactly trust the marker requirement. The times I was playing our trusty churro-eater were when I was stuck with an empty waiting room and no Warehouses in sight, but as I played the list a bit more, I realized that the marker effect, when used correctly, allows us to more consistently hold Warehouses over refresh for little to no downside. Our hand is usually so ridiculously large even when we're not in an optimal state, that playing this out just to sit in the back row with a marker isn't anywhere near our worst play.
The first effect is helpful to pay out stock considering our entire main gameplan is free-to-play, and it synergizes well with our heal-finishers if we play them out at 3/0, but it's still forgettable. Since we (correctly) refuse to play "Star Beat!" as a stock-soul, this is our second most reliable way of controlling where our Warehouses end up after refresh.
3x The Dumbest Support Bomb, Kasumi
kasumi doesn't deserve a card this good |
-【AUTO】When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is a 《Music》 character, choose 1 of your characters, and that character gets +2000 power until end of turn. (Return the revealed card to its original place)
-【AUTO】When this card becomes【REVERSE】, if this card's battle opponent is level 1 or lower, you may【REVERSE】that character.
-【AUTO】When this card becomes【REVERSE】, if this card's battle opponent is level 1 or lower, you may【REVERSE】that character.
This is arguably the best card printed in the entire Multi Live! set by a considerable margin. Clears lanes, answers shitter zeros better than other bombs since she can buff herself, and sends Christmas Kasumi to absurd power levels. Topcheck is something that we have tools to manipulate in the list, letting us hit more often than not. We can also use it to check our first trigger before we go to attacks, helping us set up precise damage. The utility of this card, and the general card profile, is just far too strong to not include at a 3+ count.
4x Return By Drills in the Operation Tornado Cigarette Warehouse
what's your favorite busted bang dream event? vote below! plz like comment and subscribe |
- Brainstorm Flip over three cards from the top of your deck, and put them into your waiting room. Choose a level X or lower character in your waiting room with 《Music》 or "Asuka(明日香)" in its card name, and return it to your hand. X is equal to the number of characters with 《Music》 or "Asuka(明日香)" in its card name revealed among those cards.
4x "wtb playset of xmas kasumi plz i'll pay anything", Kasumi
"ya sorry man best i can do is tree fiddy" |
-【AUTO】 This ability activates up to two times per turn. When another of your characters with 《Music》 or "Asuka(明日香)" in its card name is placed on the stage from your hand, this card gets +1000 power until end of turn.
-【AUTO】 【CXCOMBO】 When this card attacks, if a card named "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" is in your climax area, you may choose a card named "Something in the Warehouse" in your waiting room, and return it to your hand.
Level Two: Filling the Gaps
1x "Garbage ACC" Kasumi Tomoya
-【AUTO】 [Put two cards from your hand into your waiting room] When you use this card's "Backup", you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your opponent's characters with level higher than your opponent's level, and put it into his or her waiting room.
-【ACT】 【COUNTER】 Backup 2500, Level 2 [(1) Put this card from your hand into your waiting room] (Choose one of your characters that is being frontal attacked, and that character gets +2500 power until end of turn)
Ditch two anti-change backups that send to waiting room just aren't good, even if Kasumi plusses to hand like mad. We never got the 2/1 Rimi-clone bomb, so we're still going to run this. Even if we never play it, we can blatantly show our opponent we have it in hand in some fashion (salvaging off Warehouse, brainstorms, etc) which will then cause them to side at us like dumbasses and otherwise bumble about misplaying. The threat of an anti-change counter is typically stronger than the act of playing it, so having this in the list when we already have the space is a no-brainer.
1x "Please don't be bigger than 13500 or have a backup PLEASE" Kasumi
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what the fuck even is that hat and that smile |
-【AUTO】 When this attacks, if the Level of the Character Opposite this is 3 or higher, this gains +6000 Power for the turn.
We didn't get the bomb so we're just going to run this as a one-of. I hate these kinds of early-play killers, but at least they're also usable to clear field in the endgame. A boring, but otherwise usable card.
Level Three: Burn, Burn, BURN
1x Yuri Festival Date, Kasumi & Rimi
-【CONT】 If all of your characters are 《Music》, this card gets +2000 power.
-【AUTO】 [Put a card from your hand into your waiting room] When this card is placed on the stage from your hand or by a "Change" effect, you may pay the cost. If you do, put the top card of your clock into your stock.
-【AUTO】 [(1)] At the beginning of your opponent's attack phase, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your 《Music》 characters and this card, and exchange them as 【STAND】 .
Unfortunately, the change target for this is a Rimi, so we lose the ability to run out a fairly strong early play. Yeah, it's only an 11000 base power, but the true utility of the card is in its second two abilities. Ditch a card for heal to stock is an absurdly powerful ability in and of itself, but in a list like this where we need to ditch our Warehouses (and we sometimes don't want to play them), it's even better. Stand-and-swap is one of the most powerful field disruption abilities in Weiss Schwarz, and effective use of the ability is what separates good players from average ones. Still, this isn't your core gameplan for level three, but the card has so much utility for just an effectively one stock investment that running at least one was a must.
2x "Overstatted Trial Deck Monstrosity" Kasumi Tomoya
did yall know that bushiroad makes bang dream? crazy shit i know |
-【CONT】 During your turn, if the number of other 《Music》 characters you have is four or more, this card gets +5000 power and the following ability. "【CONT】 During this card’s battle, your opponent cannot play event cards and "Backup" from hand."
-【AUTO】 When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is a 《Music》 character, you may deal one damage to your opponent. (This damage may be canceled. The revealed card is returned to its original place)
If you didn't already have massive proof towards the amount of "Bandori privilege" in Weiss Schwarz, then this card should be more than enough. A trial deck level three that topcheck burns for one on play and swings for 15000 power. Oh, and backups are banned too! The utility of this card should be obvious to most of you, but to elaborate: as a out to walls and as a way to chip your opponent out in the endgame, this card is invaluable in the list. I run it at two just because I don't have any extras of the following card in the list, but I could easily see this being run at just one as single endgame cards are easily salvaged in this list.
2x Kasumi Mother Fucking Tomoya
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this is the most secret busted bang dream card of all fucking time |
-【AUTO】 When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, draw up to two cards, choose two cards in your hand, put them into your waiting room, and put up to one card from the top of your deck into your stock.
-【AUTO】 【CXCOMBO】 When a card named "STAR BEAT!" is placed on your climax area, if this card is in your center stage, choose up to one of your characters with 《Music》 or “Asuka(明日香)” in its card name in your hand, put it on any position of your stage, and this card gets +3000 power until end of turn.
-【AUTO】 [(4)] When this card attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, put the top card of your deck into your waiting room, and deal X damage to your opponent. X is equal to that card's level +1. (Climax are regarded as level 0. This damage may be canceled)
When you first read this card in a vacuum, it seems pretty lackluster. "Pay four just to Musashi on attack? That's... expensive," you say, and you don't look into it much farther than that. However, this card has ridiculous synergy with our actual finisher, because it combos off the same fucking climax. Yes, "Sound of the Beginning" and this card both climax combo off of either "Star Beat!" and the benefits are so crazy good that I have a hard time believing that Bushiroad playtested this at all.
Enough soapboxing, let's talk about the actual card. First off, on play, this card draws you two cards, forces you to ditch two cards, then blind-stocks you for one. So, for zero net cards in hand and a one stock investment, you get a 10000 power character. That's already good, especially for a waifu deck, and we want to throw away our Warehouses anyway. But hold the fucking phone, it gets even better. When you drop "Star Beat!", you get to drop a Music character to the stage for free from your hand. Key words here are "from your hand," which means on-play effects still trigger. This works with all of our level three cards, and can set up particularly nasty finishing board states from a field that has practically no stock. The icing on the cake? This card gets a +3000 power buff on top. Absolutely. Fucking. Ridiculous.
Now, about the Musashi effect: it's actually not bad. If you have a burn board set up with this and two of the "Beginning" Kasumis, and you need extra damage to kill, then paying out four stock to end the game right then and there isn't that high of a cost to pay. The rest of the deck is mostly "free-to-play", and since this card preserves your stock itself, you likely will have some left over by the time you swing with this card. Note: the Musashi effect here is, like everything else Kasumi has, on attack. It's guaranteed to go off; you don't have to have your opponent cancel.
The only reason I have this at two in the list is because I only have two, and finding more of them is impossible since it's a set one card. If you are lucky enough to have more, find something in this list to cut (your preference, I'd likely cut the overstatted ping-er above to one) so you can run at least three of them. This card really puts our finisher over the edge and makes it ludicrously consistent. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Mother Fucker.
4x "Sound of the Salt Mines" Kasumi Toyoma
"yo what if we made a controllable last shot?" |
-【AUTO】 When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, you may put the top card of your clock into your waiting room.
-【AUTO】 【CXCOMBO】 [(2) Put a red card from your hand into your waiting room] When this card attacks, if a card named "STAR BEAT!" is in your climax area, you may pay the cost. If you do, deal X damage to your opponent, and this card gets +3000 power until the end of your opponent's next turn. X is equal to the number of cards named "Something in the Warehouse" in your waiting room. (This damage may be canceled)
Alright, so here's our real finisher. It's not actually as good as Last Shot, honestly, but the effect is comparable. Heal-on-play is a nice bonus for us, and it works in tandem with our previous Kasumi's climax combo to free-heal us. When we attack and "Star Beat!" is in play, we pay two and ditch a card (we're mono red) to burn our opponent for the number of Warehouses in our waiting room. This seems like a bit of a hard play state to set up at the outset, but let me remind you: we have so many ways to get Warehouses and ditch cards in our deck. If you're a coward who runs "Star Beat!" as a stock-soul, you can even keep Warehouses in stock to ensure you'll have them through refreshes if you need to.
Another boon to the Warehouse requirement is that you can control how much you're burning for. The Kasumi herself is going to swing for a minimum of three soul, but sometimes burning two is a hell of a lot better than burning four for closing out a game. In the same vein, remember that the red card you ditch to pay for the effect can be a Warehouse, and it will count towards the number in your waiting room for the burn. Paying for abilities happens before abilities are resolved; something to be aware of that lets you hand-hold combo pieces if needed.
Oh, and to top the whole thing off, Kasumi pumps herself by 3000 power when you do the effect, because why the fuck not. Yet another 14000 power lane, in a waifu deck, that likely just burned you for four before the battle phase even happened. Bandori privilege is absolutely insane. THIS IS A $3 DOUBLE RARE.
Climax Lineup
-【CONT】 All of your characters get +1000 power and +1 soul.
-【CONT】 All of your characters get +1000 power and +1 soul.
You could run "Star Beat!" as a stock-soul if you really wanted to, but that's not a gate, and running not-gates makes you a coward. Don't be a coward.
Closing Thoughts
A Blog Update
I know I haven't posted anime reviews in a while now, and I have to lead with the usual "I've been busy apology". However, last season aside from a very select few shows (that you've likely already seen) was incredibly meh, so I didn't feel very compelled to sit down and churn through a bunch of shows I didn't have strong feelings on one way or the other. I'll be back at the end of this current season.